Ezekiel 7 and Psalm 45

Ezekiel 7 was a bit of a struggle reading this morning. Nothing seems to have jumped out at me and I was unable to find anything in the companion commentaries that I read.

However, one thing that did catch my eye this morning was in The Bible Knowledge Commentary regarding a shift in attitude by those in Jerusalem:

Ezekiel 7:19–20. In addition to lamenting their loss the people would remove the obstacles that had caused it (Ezek. 19–22). They would throw their silver into the streets, and their gold would be an unclean thing. Also their idols made from the metal of their jewelry would be an unclean thing, so items once deemed precious would be discarded. …

Why would the people suddenly loathe their material wealth? One reason was the inability of silver and gold to buy the security for which it was originally amassed. It would not be able to save them. …1

Material things tend to lose their grip when we are consumed by God in either judgment, chastening, or trials. Another good verse that comes to my mind is Philippians 3:8 where Paul compares all things to rubbish in comparison to gaining Christ.

Psalm 45 is a song celebrating the marriage of the king. Ps.45:6 is a good verse to highlight and it reminds me that my King is King forever.

1 Charles H. Dyer, “Ezekiel,” in The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures, ed. J. F. Walvoord and R. B. Zuck, vol. 1 (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1985), 1241.

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