Ezekiel 13 and Psalm 52-54

Ezekiel 13 is divided into two parts. The first part (Ezekiel 13:1-16) is Ezekiel’s pronouncement of woe against the false prophets who instead of warning Jerusalem about the impending judgment like Jeremiah was doing, instead proclaimed that peace was coming (Ezke. 13:10). They are likened to “whitewashed walls.”

It makes me think of the many false preachers today who speak only of riches and prosperity and neglect to preach against sin and judgment. Even though each person is ultimately responsible for their own relationship to God, the wicked effect of the prosperity preachers upon people will one day face accountability with God. Carson describes them,

They are more interested in auguries, telling personal fortunes, serving as “prophetic” personal hope-spinners, than in conveying the word of the Lord. They are not really serious people—except for their seriousness when it comes to getting paid (Ezekiel 13:17-19).1

The second part of Ezekiel 13 is a pronouncment against women who use magic to foretell the future (Ezekiel 13:17-23). Ezekiel avoids calling them prophetesses. This section is a little more obscure to me, however, I think that it also refers to women who speak the things that people want to hear rather than the truth.

Psalm 52 and Psalm 53 speak about the wicked and those who deny God. I highlighted Ps. 52:1 and Ps. 52:8; both speak about the “steadfast love of God”

Psalm 54 take a bit of a turn and sings about the God who upholds my life. Ps. 54:4 and Ps. 54:7 speak about God upholding me and delivering me. These are solid promises that I can hold on to even when doubt and fear are strong.

1 D. A. Carson, For the Love of God: a Daily Companion for Discovering the Riches of God’s Word., vol. 2 (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 1998), 25.

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